

Joel brought this verse up at youth group last week, making the point that there are things beyond our world that are just as real - more real - as our tangible, material existence. I don't believe in Narnia or Asgard or Kyrria, but I know there is a world outside of ours, encompassing it completely. I believe in a God who created everything and who has a will for my life, for me to live and to love Him. And that's just as real (again, more real) as the world I work in, go to church in, make friends in and even the private world of my mind. That's important. All things created by Him and for him, visible and invisible, all very real.

I'm writing while I'm tired, and that always means loose ends. 

It's 11:11. If I ever was whisked away to Narnia, it would probably be at that time. Probably not, now that I'm expecting it. He's not a tame lion.